Do your kids know how to use a hammer or a saw?

Listen Now: Make 'Em
Do they even want to?
Work with Your Hands
There’s a concern that besides being tech wizards, today’s kids aren’t handy at much else. This is particularly in the area of using simple hand tools.
I’m not encouraging you to urge your children towards a vocation that they don’t like. I’m simply saying that it’s ok to make your kids build or fix a few things around the house once in a while. Show them how to use a hammer or a screwdriver or a wrench, and then let them go to town.
Maybe it’s letting them change the tire or the spark plug on the mower, a light fixture in the house, or a rotted fence post in the yard. Again, you’re not forcing a vocation on them. You’re just equipping them with basic do-it-yourself skills that they’ll thank you for later. Who knows, may they will even enjoy it.
Image from Canva Pro