If you realize your careers and hobbies take time away from your kids, you need to repent.
Nothing will change unless you do.
Love not Like
Truth be told, too many parents are more devoted to their careers and hobbies than to their families. What should a person like this do to find the peace and contentment that’s still missing in their lives? The first thing is to repent.
One of the problems is that this parent has helped produced kids he actually doesn’t like. Staying busy and away from the kids is a catharsis, but so is taking time to raise kids that you actually like. I’m not saying that these parents don’t love their kids, I’m sure they do, but training and disciplining kids in those early years will yield kids that we can not only love but actually like. Camping out in the book of Proverbs is a great way to make it all a reality.
Image from Canva Pro