LOVE BATTERY – Every good parent loves their kids. But, do they love their kids with the kind of love that God requires in the parent/child relationship? God’s love is like a battery–it has a positive and a negative side to it. Too many parents love their kids from the positive side of the love battery only. That’s the touchy-feely, warm-fuzzy side. Every child needs this kind of affirmation.
But, it’s the negative side of the love battery that too often gets neglected. It’s what many refer to as “tough love.” It’s the discipline side of love. Remember Scripture says “If we don’t discipline our kids, we don’t love our kids.” And, like a battery, if all we do is work off the positive side of love, then love becomes as ineffective as a battery with the negative cable missing. It just doesn’t work. And it doesn’t work; because, it isn’t love as God defines love.