THE IMPORTANCE OF A BIBLICAL WORLDVIEW – You go to your local library looking for advice on parenting, but before you check out, Trace Embry says you may be looking at the wrong books – today on License to Parent.
Believe me, whatever parenting expertise you can acquire in your head through books and seminars, you can have in both your head and your heart through God’s Word. There’s something supernatural that occurs when we feed on Scripture. That doesn’t just mean reading it, but actually absorbing it, accepting it, and believing it to the point that you’re willing to live by it and submit to it. Remember the Scripture that talks about asking, seeking, and knocking? These same things apply to the subject of parenting. Something happens when you hunger for God’s perfect will and wisdom through prayer and the assimilation of His Written Word. God supernaturally intervenes, helping you make wise parenting decisions, which will ultimately benefit both you and your child.
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