These days, we often rely on innovations like the internet to answer our questions and do our work for us. If parents are not careful today, they may raise children that want other people to do their thinking for them.
This is why parents need to help their kids think for themselves. Sometimes providing the answers is less helpful than helping our kids come to conclusions on their own.
Why Offering Opportunities for Problem Solving Can Help Kids Think for Themselves
Many things that surround kids today can influence their thinking. Some of these things include the entertainment industry, social media, peers, celebrities, and education systems. Parents need to ask themselves where their influence falls on that list. Parents have a better chance of guiding the thinking of their children if they first help their children learn how to think.
Instead of always giving your kids the answers to tough issues or moral dilemmas, help them think for themselves. Ask them how they think they should resolve their issues. After this, you can inquire about how they came up with their solutions and determined their reasoning. If you give them the opportunity to work through their problems, you might be surprised at how often their answers will be aligned with logic and Biblical concepts.
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