Are you struggling to reason with an entitled child? Does it seem like no matter what you do your child takes you for granted and bosses you around?
Well, your child probably won’t listen to you because he or she does not respect you. Parents must fight entitlement by teaching their children respect and thankfulness.
Why an Entitled Child Must be Reminded About Reality
Perhaps you’re one of too many parents who have heard the phrase “get out of my room” come out of the mouth of one of your teenagers. If so, it’s likely your child has never learned the fine art of humility that leads to gratitude. Somewhere along the line Junior has lost respect for both you and the fifth commandment.
A sense of entitlement that often comes from rarely hearing the word “no” has clouded his judgement. You’ll need to remind him that he doesn’t own a room for you to get out of. Tell him if you ever hear him be so arrogant and entitled as to thoughtlessly tell you to get out of your room ever again, he’ll have to downgrade to the couch for awhile until a dose of reality has run it’s course.
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