When we get a new puppy, the first thing we do is spend a lot of time house training them. Accepted behavior is quickly taught, so that as your pup grows into an adult dog, there will be no question about what is expected of them.
Why don’t parents spend more time training, or conditioning, their children regarding accepted behaviors?
How to Condition Yours Kids to Obey Future Expectations
If getting your kids to do what they don’t want to do is so difficult, how is it that we can get them to spend several hours a day going off to school? It’s called conditioning. Because you started early, perhaps 4 or 5 years old, your child has simply come to accept that this is how things are going to be. It certainly helps that our entire culture is on board with it also.
Still, it should be a lesson that we can get our kids on board with things if we start young. What else you ask? How about obeying you upon the first request? Or, your expectations for future dating? Digital use protocol? The key is starting early, whether it be in practical application or in mere periodic conversations about house rules for the future.
Photo via: Pixabay