Have you ever had so many options that you were overwhelmed? Having too many things to choose from can be down right paralyzing. What if something better comes along, after your choice has been made?
If you think it’s difficult for adults to make decisions, how much more difficult do you think it is for kids? Their developing brains haven’t fully developed, but yet they’re presented with decision-making opportunities on the daily. How can we teach them to make good choices?
Why Limiting Decision-Making Opportunities is Key
Today’s kids find it hard to make important choices—largely because of all the additional choices the cyber world now has to offer them. In the past, a minor being given a choice was seen as a privilege. Today, digital options are endless—breeding entitlement, impatience, and narcissism. Choice is now considered a right.
Now, even after making a choice, kids stay poised to pounce on a better deal that might come down the pike later—and they feel entitled to exercise these options. This mentality can carry over to really important things later in life—like marriage commitments. Putting limits on Junior’s excessive options and digital time is key.
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