Authoritative Community – Hillary Clinton once said that it takes a village to raise a child. While we might disagree with her definition of “village,” Trace Embry sees some merit in the suggestion … today, on License to Parent.
Remember when we were kids caught in a delinquent act by a neighboring adult? It wasn’t uncommon to be escorted home by that adult. It was almost as if the neighbor was doing his civic duty by doing so. We may’ve even received little a discipline along the way. One thing was for sure–everyone knew what right and wrong was; and, certainly we knew that our parents were going to finish what the neighbor had started. Though, not liking it at the time, it brought us a deep sense of security to our souls. Parents, do your best to ally yourselves with other responsible adults in your neighborhood for the common good of the kids and families that dwell there. It will help assure that your child is surrounded by an atmosphere of accountability, leading to security, peace, and wholesome behavior.
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