Hello Friends,
As we enter into Summer, as I write, the temperature at SHA is nearing 100 degrees. But, I’m writing from just outside of Chicago. Here, the temperatures, though rivaling these warm numbers when I arrived, will actually dip down to 50 degrees in just a few days!
Don’t Stop Praying
When Beth was called-in a day early, by her doctor, to discuss her most recent PET scan, she thought maybe it was a bad sign. But, the doctor told us that it looks like she’s CANCER-FREE! In a few weeks, a final test will give us the green light to brag on God, and all of you, for such a Divine collaboration! So, we celebrated by jumping on the Indian and riding 250 miles on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Afterward, we landed our second over-nighter of the year at the mountain house. Next week will be our first Sunday back in church in months! Yet, this is no time to let up on prayer. Because we still have many friends and family struggling through similar cancer battles and other illnesses. God knows who they are; but, I’m asking you to keep praying for Beth and for all those who Beth and I are praying for by name. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
An Encouraging Story
What follows is a copy of an email narrative that one of our stellar SHA team leaders sent to Beth just a few days ago. It’s just one example of the many blessings we get to see at SHA on a regular basis. I touched it up, a bit, for the sake of adhering to HIPAA laws, so I could share it with you.
Miss Beth, This week, one of our female students wrote a letter to her parents about how much God has shown up in her life recently. In the letter, she mentioned this: “The word “Odyssey” has been on my mind a lot. And, I’ve been seeing this word everywhere. This has prompted me to reflect on my journey at SHA over the past year. Mr. Trace had his book, The Miracles of Shepherd’s Hill, hand-delivered to me, along with a note in it. This meant a lot to me. Then, when I noticed the word Odyssey on the book, I started to tear up. Mr. Trace’s book has spoken to me deeply.” This student is very thankful for SHA, and for the journey that she has experienced here. She went on to say, “God’s timing in getting this book to me was truly amazing. I keep hearing the word odyssey just from people saying it, and in dreams too—like anytime really. Someone was even reading the book The Odyssey. I’ve been hearing it so much, and I don’t know why. The person reading The Odyssey asked, ‘What does odyssey mean?’ It basically means a long and treacherous journey. So, not long ago, we were in the Academic Building playing ping pong when when Miss Beth walked-in and asked if a certain person was in there? I was like, ‘Yeah, I’m here!’. Guess what—that’s when she handed me a copy of Mr. Trace’s book. I said, ‘thank you’ and she left. That’s when I opened it and notice that Mr. Trace had written me a personalized message in the book. I was so happy that I cried! Then, guess what. The front cover had the word “odyssey” on it!”
Beth, I think it’s also interesting to know that this student just led her first devotional with the entire group of girls. She is usually a quiet girl in the group; but, when she led this devotional, her voice was so loud and confident! She completely came out of her shell. It was pretty amazing to watch. It even brought tears to the eyes of the staff. The Lord is definitely changing and touching hearts! Just thought I’d share that with you.
We truly have the greatest job in the world!
Back in Church
As mentioned, I recently took a motorcycle trip to the Chicago area to meet with some old friends and family. There were many other stops along the way—including seeing a friend in Abington, VA, who I met back in our Bible College days at Toccoa Falls College over 30 years ago. It was a great time to clear my head in preparation for all that was waiting for me on my plate back at SHA. One thing I looked forward to, upon my arrival home, was returning to church with Beth. At church, the pastor spoke a message about walking in the Light. Apparently, the message stirred some folks in the congregation to respond. At the end of his message, the pastor asked if anyone would like to stand up before the entire congregation and make a public commitment to Christ as Lord. He got a response. With all heads up and all eyes open, a handful of people, which included two of our SHA girls, boldly and unashamedly, stood up in the midst of the entire congregation. Having been out of a physical church for most of the year, as a precautionary measure for Beth, online church was it; but, it wasn’t the same. This particular Sunday was a great day to return to our brick and mortar church at the Grove!