When your children come to you with questions about Christianity, do you have answers? Many kids struggle with their faith when those who criticize Christianity seem to have better answers than those who defend it.
This is why Shepherds Hill Academy answers questions that our students have about what Christians believe. We allow our students to come to their own conclusions about the Gospel as we explain the reasons for our faith and provide examples of godly living.
How Shepherds Hill Academy Answers Questions Through Apologetics
I often discuss Christian apologetics on License to Parent. I do this for a reason. Shepherds Hill Academy is a proving ground for my position on the importance of apologetics. I see kids come to their own conclusions on God, the Gospel, and the Bible all the time. This is not because it’s jammed down their throats; it isn’t. We would never do that. In fact, sometimes, rebellion against parents, God, the Gospel, and the Bible is provoked because teens feel these things were forced down their throats—whether that is true or not.
At Shepherds Hill Academy, we give students answers to the questions and objections that they have brought with them. Most kids come from homes where the Christian faith is at least nominally accepted and applied by their parents—not all, but most. The problem is that kids today perceive an entire nation living by a totally different moral code, and for the moment, anyway, it feels right to them. The keyword is “perceive.” How can their parents be right when the whole world is perceived to be offering them the freedom to live lives that bring self-gratification at every turn? It’s just like the devil to have them believe something like that!
When kids hear and understand, as Paul Harvey used to say, “The rest of the story” at Shepherds Hill Academy, they begin to come to their own conclusions and, as a result, their own faith. Christian apologetics is a big part of this. When this happens, life-change and total transformation happens. A key component to the puzzle is getting kids to know and understand the answers to the myriad objections to the faith—answers that nobody has been able to provide for them before coming to Shepherds Hill Academy.
The advantage we have as Christians is that the truth is on our side, and it can be backed up historically, philosophically, logically, archaeologically, and, in the vast majority of the cases, scientifically—not to mention, of course, biblically. Even more importantly, our students actually experience the Gospel being lived out before them. Unfortunately, very few Christians understand the importance of Christian apologetics. Why? Because we never had to before. The internet has changed the game field. Today, kids are getting bombarded with objections to the faith that only seasoned theologians had to field before. Consequently, our kids are left to feel like fools because they have no answers to these seemingly valid objections. And no kid wants to look foolish.
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