Why are there so many emotionally hurting teens in need of help with addiction, behavioral problems, and so many other issues? Is there a root cause to the struggles that umpteen young people are facing today?

Well, I can tell you, the root cause for all evil on this planet is sin. We live in a culture that lives in ignorance and denial of sin, accepting no moral absolutes as a guide on how to behave. As long as our society embraces sin, we will have to deal with the natural consequences.
How a Culture with No Moral Absolutes Affects Our Kids
Because of the systemic issues in America today, I think our culture has created a great need for residential care for our youth. Parents, alone, can’t deal with the natural consequences that our “new morality” and worldview have brought into the equation for our nation’s young people.
Kids think it’s fun and funny when guys like Seth Rogan and Jonah Hill produce movies that glorify sex, drugs, and irresponsibility. The problem is that the real world isn’t so forgiving of the natural consequences of living the life of a “category 5” moronic degenerate.
This way of life—and the problems that result—are now systemic to who we are as a people and are now ingrained in every aspect of our society. The very freedoms that the 1960’s hippies were seeking are now found. Mission accomplished!
But what those same hippies—who are now our government leaders, educators, mental health professionals, parents, and grandparents—never calculated into the equation was the logical outworking of their vain philosophies. Or, as I said, the natural consequences.
Every action has a reaction. When there are no moral absolutes or guides, the logical outworking of pursuing the freedom to do what you want, rather than pursuing the freedom to do what you ought, (which implies there is a moral absolute) is chaos and addiction of all sorts.
So… Now, instead of training a society that loves its neighbor as itself and does unto others what they would want done to them, we’ve trained a society of narcissists, addicts, and slaves to their own sin nature. That is not a society conducive for raising mentally or spiritually healthy kids.
This is why the prominent Dr. Robert Leahy—who I don’t know to be a Christian—has said, “Today’s kids are living under the same degree of stress and anxiety as the average psych patient in the 1950s!”
Look, even in the “good old days” we were still a flawed and sinful people with racism and other systemic problems. I understand that. But we’ve exchanged one systemic problem for a million more! We’ve exchanged one kind of bigotry for a million more. We’ve enslaved people with a different kind of slavery. Much of which is exacerbated with the Internet, digital media, and social media. All of which are here to stay, and we best learn to get a handle on our sin nature and how to practice the Golden Rule in the digital age.
As a result, every aspect of society is suffering in one way or another, and it is adversely affecting our kids tremendously. This is why I feel there’s a growing need for therapeutic residential programs like Shepherds Hill Academy and others where biblical standards are taught and applied.
Picture provided by: 3dman_eu