Remember when you could justify your position to your children and support it by saying, “It’s just common sense?” Well, that line doesn’t work so well anymore.

The reason is, in today’s relativistic postmodern world, common sense isn’t so common anymore. As we raise our kids this often nonsensical world, we must guide them toward truth and common sense, and the best place to start is with the Creator of these things.
Is Common Sense Dead
Americans no longer accept a common standard by which we determine behavioral ethics as we once did—regardless of whether these are work ethics, moral ethics, social ethics, political ethics, religious ethics, or the ethics of something else. There used to be a bit of positive peer pressure that would influence us to do things that were considered normal and good, but even “normal and good” are terms that are losing their meaning in a society that believes truth is relative. The only thing common about common sense today is the belief that we should be free to do our own thing—which, of course, can never be common to everyone. Therefore, the truth is, there is no such thing as common sense anymore—at least for those who buy into the postmodern worldview—because there is no absolute standard by which to determine it.
Common Sense for a New Generation
So what is the solution? We must train our children about God’s Word, will, and way, so that at least our kids and families can operate from a common point of reference when it comes to ethics. We must teach our kids about how far America has fallen since losing her grasp of common sense, and from where and from Whom she once found it. We must teach our kids the implications of a society, family, business, or any other social entity that attempts to operate without the essential qualities of common sense. If a house divided cannot stand, how much more when the divisions are myriad? Teach your kids that even in a society that chooses to attempt to function without common sense, it is all the more important for us to live by the common sense that God gave to all of His children who are willing to obey Him.
Implementing Common Sense in Your Home
Common sense is essential for any healthy family that does not want to be crippled by dysfunction. The basis of all family dysfunction, societal chaos, and war is when the ideologies of people or a people group clash. But let us continue to live by the common sense that is common to God—even as we live in a society that has selfishly discarded it so that each man and woman can live pursuing their own individual lusts with no common “sense” of right or wrong.
Let us impress this common sense on our children. Deuteronomy 6:6-7 says, “These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” Impress means indelibly implant, not just teach, but model!
Picture provided by: Frits Ahlefeldt