Listen Now: Sexual Identity in Childhood with Christopher Doyle, MA, LCPC
This week on License to Parent with Trace Embry… Trace Embry and Rich Roszel talk about what it means to profess Christ in a world caught up in professing sexual identity. Our guest on this program is Christopher Doyle, MA, LCPC – Director of the International Healing Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping people in their struggles with sexual orientation. Christopher was the first person to receive the Joseph Nicolosi Award for Early Career Excellence, and was recognized in 2011 by the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality as one of the emerging therapists in the area of sexual orientation. He is an author and featured commentator in several periodicals and journal, and has also written several studies on the topics of bullying and the benefits of delaying sexual debut. As a former homosexual himself, Mr. Doyle lends a rather unique viewpoint to this conversation.
Today’s topics and questions include:
- Thoughts on modern media’s portrayal of same-sex attraction.
- Inborn nature -vs- cultural influence.
- How the timing of one’s “sexual revelation” could affect orientation.
- How should parents respond if their children “come out” to them?
- Is it wrong for the parent of a homosexual child to “steer” their child away from same-sex attraction?
You can learn more about Christopher Doyle, his work, and the International Healing Foundation at
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