Every parent desires for their child to be independent and self-sufficient. Isn’t it our job to ensure that they can “make it on their own?” Discover how teaching independence may result in some unintended and unwanted results!

How can we as parents teach our kids to balance humility, while preparing them for independence?
Balancing Self-Sufficiency, Independence & Humility
Parenting and child development experts would argue that a parent’s primary goal in child-rearing is to bring up that child to be independent. Unfortunately, parents often take this to an unhealthy extreme. So what happens when we strive too greatly to develop self-sufficiency in our kids? It’s possible that our children acquire a falsely fluffed self-worth and ego that morphs into entitlement. Entitlement is the stuff that bullies are made of!
Parenting Principles on Humility and God’s Word
I agree with teaching our kids self-sufficiency, but with limits and humility. Scripture conveys a balance between “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” and “when I am weak, then I am strong.” Even Barbara Streisand sang “people who need people are luckiest people.” True humility comes from knowing God and needing people; no luck involved.
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