GOD’S DEFINITION OF LOVE – Who wrote your dictionary? Does it matter? Trace Embry talks about that today on License to Parent.
If we want the best chance of getting a godly result with our kids, we have to approach them with the heart and mind of God. And that’s tough to acquire when we define godly terms with the devil’s dictionary. For instance, if you think love is a feeling as opposed to a deliberate decision and commitment toward the welfare of another – and one that very often requires sacrifice – your definition of love may be skewed right out of the box. Godly love often requires the pain of sacrifice and discipline. Hebrews 12:11 says, “No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful.” And Hebrews 12:6 says “That God disciplines those He loves.” So, as God defines love, the child that isn’t disciplined, is the child that isn’t loved.
Learn how to be the parent God wants you to be at LicenseToParent.org.