While out in public, it is always important to keep our kids safe. This is especially true when families enter large or crowded areas like malls and other big retail stores.
Accounts of predatory behaviors in dressing rooms at Target stores are unfortunate reminders of why this is so important. So let’s be wise as we consider how to reduce risk for our children.
Why Using Dressing Rooms at Target Stores May Involve Some Risk
Well, we knew it would happen, and, sure enough, it has—and way too often! The American Family Association has reported several accounts—from Tennessee to Michigan—of perverts coming into the wrong dressing room at Target stores and taking pictures of young girls with their smartphones. But Target—and evidently our government—says these are the right dressing rooms.
We have lost our minds in this nation if we think this is OK, and I’m not ashamed or afraid to say it. And you and your kids shouldn’t be afraid either, because science supports our conservative and biblical perspectives on this issue. Sadly, unnatural desires too often trump science these days. So go to Target’s Facebook page and voice your verifiable concerns.
Picture provided by: No machine-readable author provided. Roelzzz assumed (based on copyright claims). [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons