What does it mean to live “in the world and not of it?”
Our culture, whether we realize it or not, has an eternal impact on not only our kids but for us as parents.
Living a Life of Integrity in America Today
It’s so important for American parents to know that just by virtue of living in our sexually-charged, over-stimulated and grossly entertained culture, we and our kids are ripe for sinful indoctrinations morning, noon and night. Let’s remember what “Culture” actually is. It’s the ideas, institutions, and interactions that tell a people-group how to think, feel and act.
Well America, mission accomplished! Too many of our kids are now thinking, feeling and acting like the devil, while expecting heaven for a reward. This is why it’s so important for today’s parents to be intentional about raising our kids with a BWV, and all while exposing the pitfalls of today’s godless entertainment culture.
Photo via: Pixabay.com