Does your teen seem to be showing apathy toward a drivers license? This may not seem like a major problem for a teenager, but could be a sign of some bigger issues in the future.
Drivers licenses are often a symbol of independence and responsibility for a teen. If they are uninterested in a license, could they also be uninterested in accepting other responsibilities?
Apathy Towards a Drivers License
Formerly, kids couldn’t wait to get a drivers license; but because of digital technology, eagerness to get a drivers license at age 16 is now on the decline. The digital world has brought anything, from anywhere, at anytime, to our kids today. “Why exercise the effort to acquire a drivers license?” – they ask.
Well, there are many reasons, but here’s just one. Having no drivers license is likely to also mean – having no job. And having no job means having more time than money. For a teen, this can easily translate into sloth, foolishness, and delayed neurodevelopment for all things responsible.
So, I suggest tightening the limits on digital use until that drivers license is acquired.
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