Listen Now: Raising Emotionally and Spiritually Healthy Kids in a Sodom and Gomorrah World with Dr. Heath Lambert
This week on License to Parent with Trace Embry… Trace Embry and Rich Roszel talk with Dr. Heath Lambert about how to address cultural influences and what they’re doing to our families. Dr. Lambert is the executive director of the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors. He is a former Associate Professor of Biblical Counseling at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and their undergraduate institution, Boyce College, where he taught on biblical counseling and Christian ministry. Dr. Lambert is an associate pastor at First Baptist Church of Jacksonville, FL. He is also a founding council board member of The Biblical Counseling Coalition and serves on the editorial boards of The Journal of Family Ministry, and The Journal of Biblical Manhood and Womanhood.
The types of challenges teens and their parents have to face these days may not be that new, but the way they get delivered certainly is. The things that influence our family’s thinking no longer has to get past the gatekeepers of old (Mom and Dad) and that lack of accountability is taking its toll on every member of the family.
Today’s topics to raising emotionally and spiritually healthy kids include:
- An overview of changes Dr. Lambert is seeing on college campuses that parents of teens need to address early.
- Setting the boundaries in the home to keep Sodom and Gomorrah at bay.
- How can we teach our sons and daughters to be discerning and modest?
- How appropriate physical affection within the family can help.
- Why is “sin” so marginalized these days? And in a world that emphasizes “grace” in parenting, can grace ever be abused by parents?
- What role does discipline play in keeping our kids pure?
- How can we best pray for our kids and ourselves?
Dr. Lambert’s books include The Biblical Counseling Movement After Adams , Counseling the Hard Cases: True Stories Illustrating the Sufficiency of God’s Resources in Scripture, and Finally Free: Fighting for Purity with the Power of Grace. You’ll find those through many booksellers, including You can also find out more about Dr. Lambert on the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors website at
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