How can we keep our children safe from the dangers facing them online?

Listen Now: Enough is Enough 2
Enough is Enough 2
Last week we heard from an expert in making the internet safe for your family. She said, “Let me just share the story of John Doe who was a convicted sex offender in a high-security prison. I talked to him for three hours. He would look for kids online that he was interested in. He was talking to a 13-year-old girl. That 13-year-old girl liked boys who were around 15 and played soccer. He would find pictures of boys that looked like that and he would send it and pretend to be that boy and engage that girl. Often times these lead to sexual encounters and situations where he would get nudes of them and back and forth and then used [those same pictures] to keep that child silent.” Donna Rice Hughes is the CEO and president of Enough is Enough.
Discussing the Internet with Donna Rice Hughes
Donna Rice Hughes works hard to protect our children from internet predators. She is the President and CEO of Enough is Enough and also is an internationally known internet safety expert, author, speaker, and producer. Donna’s vision, expertise, and advocacy have helped to birth the internet safety movement in America at the advent of the digital age. For 30 years Donna has been working hard to make the internet safe for your kids and family. She has developed and spearheaded the National Safe Wifi Campaign which is calling on corporate America to filter pornography and child sex abuse images off of public wifi. As a result of these efforts, two major companies that own stores all across America are now filtering wifi in their stores.
Episode Highlights:
- How did the internet help close the gap between boys and girls and pornography use?
- What dangers are girls more prone to over the internet than boys?
- What percentage of 8-12-year-olds are using social media (regardless of “age restrictions”)?
- How many pro-eating disorder accounts does Instagram have?
- What is the most important thing that Christian parents need to do about this issue?
Image from Canva