Why do parents cave to peer pressure and kid pressure when it comes to phones?

Listen Now: Digital Addiction
Digital Addiction
Smartphones have this pull on us- me, you, and everyone. They are designed that way! When was the last time you left your phone somewhere and didn’t panic? Your brain and mine have developed and matured in ways that your child’s brain has not. So why do you give your child a phone? It is understandable- they need it for football practice and other activities. They need to get ahold of you and vice versa! But, how do you talk through pulling back on the phone? Let’s discuss some practical steps.
Discussing Technology with Melanie Hempe
Melanie Hempe is the founder of Screen Strong and has been on our program before. One of her goals in Screen Strong is to help parents think through the double standards on phones and other devices when they’re talking with their children.
Episode Highlights:
- What have smartphones virtually brought into our homes?
- What two aspects does Trace tie to kids who become school shooters?
- How are hypocrisy and double standards different?
- What is the Gold Standard offered by Screen Strong?
- What two things did Melanie and her husband say “no” to in order to fix the digital issue in their home?
Image from Canva