Being obedient to God as adults begins with being obedient as a child.
Why do our children need to be obedient? How does teaching a child how to be obedient prepare them for their future?
Teaching Your Children to be Self-disciplined, Teaches Them Leadership
Why does the term obedience seem to have such a negative connotation today? Many people think obedience is something reduced to a dog and master relationship, but nothing could be further from the truth. If God requires obedience from us as adults, why shouldn’t we expect obedience from our children?
Having obedient children does not mean we are not training them to be future independent individuals and/or leaders. In fact, quite the opposite is true, but there is a time for everything. Histories best leaders were people who were first self-disciplined enough to follow the lead of others and scripture has nothing but positive things to say about obedience, especially when it comes to the parent/child relationship.
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