It is a common trait in humanity to want the answer to our problems. If we are offered an explanation, solution, cure-all, or quick and easy fix, we are tempted to take it.
Parents need to know that parenting solutions are typically more complex than this. Relying on medications to resolve behavioral issues may help children, but it will not necessarily resolve the issues they are facing.
How Relying on Medications to Resolve Behavioral Issues Is Not the Only Way
Many children today are taking medications in order to manage issues with their behavior. Well, psychiatrist Gary Greenberg shares some interesting insights about popular psychiatry today and DSM-5 in his book, The Book of Woe. If you are unfamiliar with the DSM-5, allow me to explain. The DSM-5 essentially acts as a guidebook for all kinds of behavioral, mental, and emotional issues.
Are you a little skeptical about some of the ways these issues are being addressed by psychiatrists today, including all of the medications that are being prescribed to handle them? Well, I share in some of your concerns. I have watched plenty of students in the program at Shepherds Hill Academy transition off the medications they were prescribed at some point before their stay at SHA. This has shown me that, sometimes, supporting children with godly love and intentional discipline can do more than any drug.
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