Whether through hateful words or depraved actions, it seems like there is growing violence online. While parents may be prepared to keep their kids safe from physical violence, the kind of violence that begins on the internet could be harder to avoid.
Parents must not fall into a false sense of security when it comes to the internet. You may consider your home to be a safe place while inviting trouble through the unsupervised digital devices throughout your house.
How Statistics About Violence May Not Include the Growing Violence Online
Are studies and statistics always good ways for determining how things really are? Studies and statistics are only as good as the criteria and the people gathering, defining, interpreting, and analyzing them. In short, they can lie, and they do all the time. One recent study shows violent crime is actually down.
Yeah, it’s hard to physically attack someone when everyone is alone online all day. And while some U.S. courts won’t even call sex trafficking a violent act, teen suicide and sex trafficking is way up! Meanwhile, multitudes of our kids are now being preyed upon online everyday. It is online where growing virtual violence is now the stepping-stone for so much under-accounted-for actual violence.
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