It seems today’s teens in America’s youth culture are in a perpetual struggle with insecurity.
Why is this and how can you help your teen through insecurity? We discuss one practical way to build confidence in your teen.
How often do you commend your teenagers for making wise and mature decisions? I’m talking really making a big deal over them—maybe even commending them and sharing their story in front of friends or relatives as often as circumstance allows.
Today’s kids are so inundated with bad information—largely through Social Media—that adopting an Americanized attitude of perpetual juvenile foolishness is just standard fare for so many. So when your teen shows glimpses of wisdom in the midst of their not-so-wise youth culture, make it a big deal.
Even though many kids today are addicted to Social Media and other forms of digital technology, studies show that mom and dad are still their greatest influence!
Picture Provided by: Chris & Karen Highland.